
The table below summarizes energy savings measured in several programs. We continue to gather savings data in ongoing programs. 

  • Alameda County: Rebecca Brown of BKi presented early results from the Alameda County Home Energy Analyzer program and at BECC 2014. Her complete presentation is here, but the summary: 7.4% reduction in electricity and 13% reduction in natural gas use.

  • Energy Upgrade Mountain View: combining the results of phase 1 and 2 (details on phase 1 are below) shows reductions of 5.5% for electricity and 16.4% for natural gas across all 1,239 customers. For the 310 customers in the top quartile, reductions were very impressive: 14.5% for electricity and 32.6% for natural gas.

HEA software is being used in a number of residential EE programs including PG&E's new "Pay for Performance" program (sign up here), Sunnyvale's Green@Home program,  Alameda County's Home Energy Analyzer, Claremont's Energy Challenge Toolbox, and Central Valley's Energy Tune-Up.

Accurately measuring energy use and savings are key to our business and success.  Smart meter data makes it possible to accurately measure and compare energy consumption, but there are no industry standards for computing the changes and the issues are more subtle than appear at first glance.  We are breaking new ground and will continue to work with BKi, the NRDC, Stanford, LBNL and others to improve the accuracy of our reports. We do know that using smart meter data is far more accurate than modeled or "deemed" methods for estimating energy savings. We welcome any inquiries -   

Finally, HEA has gained unique insights into residential energy use and is actively working with a number of industry experts and research institutions to improve practices and understanding in the field of residential building science.

Real information makes a real difference

Participants know exactly how much energy they're saving since they enrolled -- smart meter analysis makes this possible. Each month they receive an email tracking their progress. And program administrators can see aggregated program savings anytime. We analyze the actual energy data for each participant so even small energy saving steps will show up. Savings are calculated by comparing energy use since enrolling to historic energy used during the year prior to enrolling. HEA has more experience tracking and disaggregating real residential energy savings based on smart meter data than any other organization.

The savings add up

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Consumers want real, actionable advice. But the generic recommendations they usually receive aren't useful and even worse -- they can be annoying. If they've already replaced all their lights they don't want to be told to do it again. Each home is different so recommendations should be tailored based on the energy profile of that home. Smart meter analysis indicates which energy categories are the most wasteful, and with a little input from the user produces a list of the most cost-effective recommendations. The savings estimates are based on actual energy use, not models. Like progress reports, recommendation reminders are sent via email once a month.

Designed for community energy efficiency programs

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Access and analysis of smart meter data increases the impact of energy efficiency programs for both participants and administrators. Participants significantly lower their energy use because they receive specific, cost-effective recommendations based on detailed analysis. Program administrators have much greater insight as the program progresses. What outreach methods are working and where? Results are tracked in real time in the program dashboard. What follow up programs do participants qualify for? How many are ineligible? These parameters and many others are tracked and constantly communicated.